Let’s Talk Crap

Let’s Talk Crap

In this TED talk, about 1 minute in, Rose George says about going to the toilet, “…and I washed my hands, and I did that, because I’m a woman, and we do that.”  The women in the audience laughed and cheered so much she had to pause.  You can see the men blanch.  Imagine if a man said the same thing about a woman?

Welcome – Why is this blog is here?

This blog is to log instances where women mistreat men, usually with their words.  I continually witness women saying things about men that would cause a lot of consternation if men said the same about women.  The thing is, women often support these comments and don’t see it as sexism – misandry, as it were.  Who am I? I’m a male – a very conscious, liberal male from a liberal community, with a liberal education, with a liberal political view and a belief that all people should treat each other with respect and dignity.